After initially feeling that Id played this game before, (Mighty Fin, and to a lesser extent, Whale Trail), I found Fin Friends to be a lot of fun. Basically, the game gives you three tasks to perform during each level, after which you get a new friend and progress to a new set of tasks. I wasnt too keen on the gameplay at first, but over time it really grew on me, and I found myself playing levels over and over again, as that just one more try feeling crept in. The graphics are very nice, with a near-claymation look, but there is also a certain amount of softness to some elements of them. On the iPad 2, the scrolling also appears to be slightly blurry as the game looks like its running at 30 fps. If it could be bumped up to 60 fps, it would likely look rock-solid and perfect. But these small nitpicks aside, while I rated the game at 4 stars, it really deserves 4 1/2. Its very nearly perfect for the type of game it is, and very fun once you get the hang of it.